Cpt.Olf x arte Tracks
- Dec 14, 2019
Berlin's most adventurous and skilled urban photographer, Cpt.Olf - whose maiden exhibition "Cpt.Olf x Paradox 16-19" was with Urban Spree Galerie last October - is now being featured in an 8-minute documentary filmed by the urban magazine Tracks (arte). The reportage is in French or German.
[iframe id="https://www.arte.tv/player/v5/index.php?lang=fr_FR&json_url=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.arte.tv%2Fapi%2Fplayer%2Fv2%2Fconfig%2Ffr%2F094301-000-A&autostart=false&mute=0"]
Olf's only book to date "CPT.OLF 16-19" is available at Urban Spree as well as a selection of limited edition photographs on our artsy page.