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ONE UNITED POWER / 1UP Exhibition and Book Release at Urban Spree

  • Sep 02, 2014

Urban Spree Galerie presents the first solo show and book release of the iconic Kreuzberger & world-famous graffiti crew ONE UNITED POWER.

A5_Flyer_01-small After 10 years of hardcore legendary actions, train bombings and rooftops, 1UP Crew takes over the whole Urban Spree’s compound in Berlin with charismatic outdoor pieces and invest the Galerie floor with an exceptional display of adrenalin-pumped photographs and several large scale installations, all reflecting the diverse skills of the crew members.

H01_60cmB_X_40cmH copy-smallThe show is also the occasion for the crew to publish their first book, 140 pages of pictures from their private archives, self-published, full of behind-the-scenes action, an exceptional volume that is poised to become a milestone in graffiti documentation in the first decade of the 21st century.

    « I AM 1UP » Opening Date : Wed. 03/09/2014 – 19 :00 Exhibition : Tu-Su : 12 :00–20-00 Revaler x Warschauer / Berlin F-Shain

Freier Eintritt. 


1UP Crew : Facebook : instagram: @1up_crew_official Youtube : URBAN SPREE : Facebook : instagram:@urban_spree twitter : :@Urban_Spree Blog/Website :  
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