SWET: Book of the Year
- Nov 09, 2018
Chemistry Publishing just released "Book of the Year”, a comprehensive monograph encompassing 1 year of walls by the danish graffiti writer SWET, active in the scene since 30 years and nicknamed the "King of Swing".
All the walls were painted during the calendar year 2017, at the pace of 1 piece a day, all of them documented in the book, including some sketches. This new project follows up his 2009 book "SWET goes RED", where the artist challenged himself into painting 100 pieces in 100 days, using only the red color.
[youtube id="6zHBl7uRSH4"]
The book is bound with a piece of a canvas specially painted by SWET for this project and each book has a different binding.
The book is available on the Urban Spree webstore here.