August 2013: Mein Lieber Prost
- Aug 24, 2013
After Rylsee and Vidam (Peachbeach/The Weird) in July, Berliner urban artist Mein Lieber Prost hit the Urban Spree Artist Wall in August to coincide with the opening of his solo show at Urban Spree, titled "What's Worng?" (featured here).
The wall utilizes the title of the show in a comics-inspired calligraphy and incorporates 2 Prosties. On top of it, on the roof above the wall, Prost drew a Prostie that can be seen from the neighbouring highrises (maybe Fernsehturm?) and in the same way as BLO did a couple of years ago in Teufelsberg, possibly from Google Earth. Sau geil!