Opening of Mik Shida: "A Conduit Order" on 28.06
- Jun 18, 2018
Urban Spree Galerie presents "A Conduit Order", the first solo show in Germany of the Australian visual artist and muralist Mik Shida. The exhibition will open in our Berlin galerie on Thursday, June 28th 2018, starting at 19:00.
Mik Shida was invited to Berlin by Urban Spree for a 2-month Art Residency which culminates into a presentation of a full new body of works, including large format paintings, and installations.
Spirits and movement are the materia prima of Shida's oeuvre. The artist is a vessel, a conduit, through which sprits awaken, arise, and finally materialize within the paintings, within those transient spaces where the artist is allowed to conduct the dance, and is in turn being directed by the creations his paintings have summoned.
We can also view and understand Shida's murals as spiritual beacons, large outdoor gateways meant to create an intercession with spirits.
Shida (born 1990) is an Australian multidisciplinary artist best known for his large scale mural work. Shida's practice encompasses video, publishing, public works and murals.
"Shida explores the relationship between Ritual, Sexuality and Love. Psychedelic entities are entwined in a ceremonial act transcending the bounds of known reality. Shida works like an ancient shaman with each works being in essence an invocation, an energetic manifestation, a prayer to joy." (Wikipedia)
In parallel to Shida's presentation of works in our main galerie space, Urban Spree invites Knarf, Fresh Max and Mafia Tabak for a pop up exhibition in our "Ecke".
Mik Shida: "A Conduit Order"
Solo Show
Urban Spree Galerie
Opening: Thursday 28.06.2018 at 19:00
Exhibition: 29.06.2018 - 22.07.2018
Tu-Su / 12:00-19:00
Info: galerie@urbanspree.com

Photographic Credit: Duran Levinson
Shida's paintings are shamanic "tableaux vivants" in which spiritual, ritualistic and organic elements coalesce, where temporality is transient, boundaries and space indistinct, where portals, alternative dimensions, spells and energy fields abound.