SP38 invades Urban Spree
- Jan 31, 2018
The French & Berlin-based street artist SP38 is invited by Urban Spree Galerie and Boddinale for a special gallery residency of 2 weeks alongside the film festival.
A Berlin sequel to his 2-month long residency held in Seoul, South Korea, at the end of 2017, “Post Vandal 2“, explores the notion of vandalism at the age of post-graffiti.
A relentless urban wanderer and street typographer, SP38 (b.1960) uses different lo-fi techniques (collages, paste-ups, stickers, screenprints, paintings) to imprint his vision of the city and his letters to the walls. Involved at an early stage with the “Figuration Libre” movement in Paris and participant to the first graffiti and street art meeting in 1985 with Vive la Peinture, Speedy Graphito, Futura, Miss Tic, and Blek Le Rat, SP38 has navigated in different squat scenes (including the infamous Berlin’s Tacheles) before moving to Berlin in 1995.
A prime witness of the fast-paced gentrification of the metropolis, his art subtly reveals the fractures of the city through successive campaigns and catchy slogans (“Who kills Berlin?”, “Erased”, “Escape”, “Occupy”, “Vive la Bourgeoisie”, Vive la Crise”…), where the intimate, personal level often collides with the bigger scale.
The residency will follow its own strenuous path and will increment itself everyday from 12:00 onwards. The public is invited to witness the progression of the residency. A vernissage is scheduled at the end of the residency, on Saturday and Sunday, 24 & 25th of February from 12:00.
SP38: “Post-Vandal 2”
Art Residency at Urban Spree Galerie
12-02-2018 – 25-02-2018
From 12:00 to open end (23:00 maximum)
Free Entrance

When street art pays homage to toying.
“Erased” – “Effacé” – “Ausradiert”
Erased: the walls, the city, the memories, 1UP, childhood, history, words, life, empty monuments, hope, innocence, dreams, signs, green trees.
Erase oblivion, rub out memory.
Erase the work before it’s finished, self-efface one’s own work by covering it with its duplicate.
Erase history, both recent and distant. Erase the cruel crystalline nights with repetitive blood red slogans like so many mute, slowly illegible words. Turn a piece of wall lost in a rigid historical street into an evolving and unfinished artwork that derides content by erasing-replacing the same signs, the same forms, the same useless repetitions.
ERASED was written on a large roll of paper found in the trashcan at a kindergarten. The series ran until
the paper ran out. The first one hit the street the day Fidel Castro died …
Pasted up mainly in Berlin, Paris, Seoul, Wilhelmshaven …
“Street art must reinvent or erase itself before it’s too late.” SP38, Berlin 2017 (Transl. Nicholas Grindell)