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The World of Felix Gephart

  • Nov 17, 2013
Felix-Gephart2 Urban Spree Galerie proudly presents the Berlin release of the first monograph about Felix Gephart -"Auf Linie gebracht"-as well as a selection of his large-sized canvases. Felix Gephart (b.1986 in Bochum, West Germany), started his way into the art world by practicing graffiti at a young age, and later formally studied art in Münster, Dortmund and at the New York School of Visual Arts. His body of work is hard to categorize: inspired by the ‘Neue Sachlichkeit’ as well as the US underground comics world (Burns, Crumbs, Spiegelman..), he is a figurative artist, a satirical, newspaper & book illustrator, as well as a graffiti writer, whose work is often dark with some steampunk elements (à la Kevin O’Neill). The monograph released by Kettler Verlag, presents all the facets of the artist: seemingly literary and old master-like drawings face murals, landscape representations, portraits and surrealist mythological creatures. Gephart2   Vernissage: Friday November 22nd from 19:00.  Book signings in the presence of the artist. Exhibition until Sunday, November 24th. 12:00-20:00 FB event: The book is also available in the Urban Spree webstore here. [gallery columns="4" ids="4294,4292,4296,4295,4289,4288,4287,4291"]  
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