Enki Bilal: Die Nikopol-Trilogie
Enki Bilal: Die Nikopol-Trilogie
Published by Carlsen
Hardcover, 184 Pages, 24 x 32cm
GERMAN Edition
For thirty years, Alcide Nikopol has floated alone in space, sentenced to cryopreservation. When he finally returns to Earth, the year is 2023, and the world has been ravaged by two nuclear wars! But the strangest change in the world floats above Paris a giant pyramid, home to the recently returned Egyptian Gods.
About the author :
Enki Bilal was born in Belgrade, former Yugoslavia and arrived in France at the age of ten.
Apart from his work in comic strips, he is a painter, the author-director of three films for the cinema, scenographies for ballet, theatre, opera.