Martha Cooper: Taking Pictures

  • 39,90€


"Martha Cooper: Taking Pictures" is the catalogue of the eponymous exhibition about the photographic career of Martha Cooper, held at Urban Nation, Berlin (03.10.2020 - 01.08.2021).

Encompassing a photographic career spanning 6 decades, the book naturally focuses on Martha's pioneering documentation of the nascent graffiti and hip hop movements of the late 70s in NYC but also on less known series about Japanese tattoos and her street photography works. 

In addition to abundant and also rarely seen photo spreads, the book have essays written by art critic, curator and author Carlo McCormick, UN Executive Director Jan Sauerwald, author and photographer Nika Kramer, author, curator, and Hip Hop historian Akim Walta, National Geographic chief photo editor Susan Welchman, curator of prints and photographs at the Museum of the City of New York Sean Corcoran, and the curators of this exhibition Jaime Rojo and Steven P. Harrington.


About the photographer

Martha Cooper is a Manhattan-based documentary photographer. Her images of graffiti and hip hop culture are world-renowned and widely published. In 1984, Cooper and Henry Chalfant published their photographs of New York City graffiti in the book Subway Art, which has been called the graffiti bible. Her documentation of the Berlin-based graffiti Crew 1UP is collected in her book "One Week with 1UP", whose exhibition was held at Urban Spree Galerie in May 2018.



Published by Urban Nation Museum For Urban And Contemporary Art, Berlin in October 2020

Edited by Steven P. Harrington and Jaime Rojo

Book Design by Krimm Studios, Berlin

Hardcover, 230 pages

23 x 24 cm

Product details

Martha Cooper: Taking Pictures
Publication Date
October 2020
9,06 x 9,45 inch
23 x 24 cm

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