Milk Me
Jun 02, 2018 21:00
About the Concert
Sneaky Snake festival ⊙ day 1
friday 1.6. at cassiopeia Berlin
⊙ RADAR MEN FROM THE MOON - experimental psych ⏐ Eindhoven
⊙ FATHER SKY MOTHER EARTH - drone doom ⏐ Hamburg
Sneaky Snake festival ⊙ day 2
saturday 2.6. at Urban Spree
⊙ ØRESUND SPACE COLLECTIVE - impro space kraut ⏐ DEN/SWE
⊙ BLACK MOON CIRCLE - acid rock jams ⏐ Trondheim
⊙ MOUNTAIN DUST - stoner soul ⏐ Montreal
⊙ RUDI RAUSCHGIFT - psych, beat, funk, soul, kraut, prog
dj's ass shakin' trip tunes in the beer gardens of both venues
https://www.mixcloud.com/ RudiRauschgift
both venues are located on the RAW area
Revaler Str. 99, 10245 Berlin
ØSC is an ever changing music collective from Denmark and Sweden that play totally on the spot improvised deep trip space rock music. They have released 25 (!!!) records since 2006. Music for your mind to escape the Matrix.
- latest release:
"Chatoyant Breath" - May 16, 2018
"ØSC had been at the Black Tornado recording back in November but our friend Gary (Yawning Man) was in town and wanted to jam. It had been a long time since the main touring band of ØSC (Nick, Jiri, Mogens, myself) had been in the studio. We grabbed Martin, who plays with Nick, Jiri and Mogens in the Univerzals as well as with Jiri in his band, Fri Galaxe to play drums. He had played quite a few gigs with us in Denmark the last years. Nicklas from Papir, was a great choice to play with Gary as both are fans of each other and we love to play with Nicklas. We had a cool band.
This session was pretty fast, all done in one day and just 5 jams recorded. The vinyl is an edited version of the jams, while the CD features extended versions of the tracks so you can hear more or less the entire course of the musical journey. The music on these sections is more spaced out, relaxed and exploratory as it flows and weaves and grows tentacles to tickle and scratch your inner thoughts. Enjoy the sensations." - Dr. Space, 2018
http:// www.oresundspacecollective. com/
https:// oresundspacecollective.band camp.com/
https://www.facebook.com/ OresundSpaceCollective
BMC from Trondheim is dedicated to dark psychedelic space rock, driven by a disposition towards prolonged jams.
- latest release:
"Flowing into the 3rd Dimension" - August 25, 2017
https:// blackmooncircle.bandcamp.co m/
https://www.facebook.com/ blackmooncircle
Mountain Dust’s set was a blast of cymbal crashing, headbanging hard rock laced with doom metal and a sensible dosage of psychedelic pretensions. The songs weren’t excuses for aimless guitar wankfests, but slithering heavy jams (the bass player laid hypnotic grooves on his Rickenbacker) that turned in on themselves like a snake eating its tail. Organ à la Deep Purple gave the music a gothic nuance, but the big surprise was lap steel guitar fed through an effects rack.
The band reinvented their blues-metal sound — a genre now as outmoded as bell-bottoms and songs about scoring with underage groupies — with well-crafted riffs that make you forget it’s all the same 4/4 rhythm you’ve heard a million times. They had masterful dynamics and pauses: the music breathed, but it breathed like Godzilla. For four thrashers who look like head shop regulars, Mountain Dust didn’t play a bum note all night.
http:// mountaindustofficial.com/
https:// mountaindust.bandcamp.com/
https://www.facebook.com/ MountainDust
⊙ smash racism, sexism, genderism, homophobia, nationalism, fascism, drugism, religionism, lookism, borders (on the maps & in the minds), genres, scenes, image, trend, hype & any other brainwashit ⊙
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