Teorema • Berlin 2019
- Mar 09, 2019
- 18:00
Mar 09, 2019 18:00
About the Event
▓ Teorema • Berlin 2019
Tickets > https://bit.ly/2Pv8z3z
After our successful tour in East Asia, and before our next gigs in Spain, another edition of our satelital events is coming.
We are glad to announce our first event in 2019: TEOREMA BERLIN. A gig with high quality local artists, each participant with enormous value within the experimental music circuit.
Our playground in this city is going to be the very well know URBAN SPREE, a place where we aim to make a hot spot for our Teorema destinations in Berlin.
>> Day one- FREE Workshop : At Schneiders Laden
> Friday March 8th: Free workshops (19 to 21 hs)
Workshops are going to be happening at Scheiders Laden, there is no entrance fee. Together with Schneiders we will provide a evening of Modular Synth education on charge of Miquel Dangla.
TO PARTICIPATE, send us an email to teoremafestival@gmail.com with the subject WORKSHOP TEOREMA where you will write your full name.
Only 20 spaces are available, deadline is Firday 8th March 15:00.
If you can go, please inform us so someone else can take your spot.
>> Day two- At UrbanSpree : Performances, live music, A/V, visuals and instalation.
> Saturday March 9th: Urban Spree, Berlin (18 to 06 hs)
We can not ask for more!
Live/AV >>
▓ Spit Mask (Live, USA)
> https://bit.ly/2QTZbrc
▓ Sabina Ahn (Live, Korea)
> https://bit.ly/2GaFz03
▓ Mirages / Miquel Dangla (Live, Berlin)
> https://bit.ly/2GgDb8b
▓ Tara in tibet + Evropa + Bionihil (Live, Berlin)
> https://bit.ly/2Wrwd5M
> https://bit.ly/2sTexCx
▓ Loud Neighbor (Live, Berlin)
> https://bit.ly/2MKYHmM
▓ Yaporigami (Live, Japan)
> https://bit.ly/2G0I6KQ
▓ A1E5 (Live, Berlin)
> https://bit.ly/2Gn5zW8
> https://bit.ly/2S9rnvs
▓ Rosa Anschütz (Live, Vienna)
> https://bit.ly/2Rt6p5E
▓ BAKÁH (Live, Korea)
> https://bit.ly/2Wwi5rO
▓ Stauffer (Live, Spain)
> https://bit.ly/2LY7TlE
▓ N u c l e a r A l t a r P r i s m a (Live, Berlin)
> https://bit.ly/2Gb0RKU
▓ Eyes Gone (Live, Berlin)
> https://bit.ly/2ShoRCD
▓ N01R (Live, Berlin)
> https://bit.ly/2oduv8B
▓ Aural + Martinovna A/V (Berlin)
> https://bit.ly/2DMsJUb
> https://bit.ly/2WNitmf
▓ Squaric (Arg)
> https://goo.gl/gFEtQw
Visual atcs >>
▓ Future Error
> https://bit.ly/2HGK4lh
▓ Z_koncept
> https://bit.ly/2Gd6PuL
▓ Pilar Gost
> https://bit.ly/2B5mnxt
▓ Jxxn
> https://bit.ly/2SeocBP
▓ Predzemshar
> https://bit.ly/2HFgSLy
▓ Andriana Tuesday
> http://cort.as/-Evu_
▓ Sscchhnn
> https://bit.ly/2Urp6IM
Performance >>
> https://bit.ly/2DMFmhP
> https://bit.ly/2pmz4At
Art instalation >>
Workshops >>
▓ Miquel Dangla (SchneidersLaden, Berlin)
Modular Synth Masterclass.
Workshops> This edition workshops will be happening at one of the hottest Berlin spots: Schneider Laden. We are proud to announce this partnership.
Education is a key part for Teorema, and so this is for Scheneider, that is why we are offering an evening of workshops learning.
Locatiion: Schneider Laden Skalitzer Str. 135A, 10999 Berlin, Germany
Time 19:00 to 21:00
Entrance fee: FREE with previous inscription.
We are thrilled to have this chance of collaborate.
We hope to see you there
> https://bit.ly/2thb5Sr
PH by >>
▓ Natalia Garcia
> https://bit.ly/2CSb4sD
Artwork by Jxxn
> https://bit.ly/2SeocBP
Find us on...
> www.teorema.nl
> https://www.instagram.com/teorema.fde
> https://twitter.com/teorema_fde
> https://soundcloud.com/teorema-1