Dumar Novy: What Do One Million Ja Tags Signify? 2nd edition

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A few of the essays written in this monograph offer a succinct introduction to Dumar Novy’s recent thoughts on graffiti.

Novy tries to dispel the cynicism frightened beings traditionally have toward graffiti by showing that at the core of life, there is a yearning for the same experience: the impression of existence. Guided by the question Can the WoWO speak? Novy creates poetry that weaves philosophical interrogations with mathematical calculations, exploring such diverse fields as kinship, rebirth, dog shit & etymology.

The second edition includes a completely rewritten chapter.


Black and White offset

Paperback with sleeve

Language: english

Product details

Dumar Novy: What Do One Million Ja Tags Signify? 2nd edition
Publication Date
April 2020
Number of Pages
5,31 x 7,24 inch
13.5 x 18.4 cm

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