Frédéric Pajak: Ungewisses Manifest 5

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Ungewisses Manifest 5 - Vincent van Gogh. Eine Biographie


In the new volume, Frédéric Pajak dedicates himself to the artist Vincent van Gogh and follows his life's journey. Throughout his life, Vincent van Gogh saw himself as a "failure". But he believed in his destiny and was convinced that one day he would go down in art history with a bang. Drawing and painting were a ten-year crossroads for him, from the first clumsy sketches to the decisive works. The fifth volume of The Uncertain Manifesto retraces his lonely wanderings, from his birth in Holland to his death in Auvers-sur-Oise. "I had forgotten Vincent. And yet I was so agitated in front of his self-portrait with his ear cut off, his impenetrable gaze, the pipe in his mouth, expressing the cold calm after the fit of madness; I was touched by the cornfield cut by a country lane going nowhere, and then the explosion-hungry sky, and then the ravens, like black crosses scratching at the false calm of the landscape."


Frédéric Pajak's Manifeste incertain is an ambitious book project that comprises a total of nine volumes. In it, the author interweaves text and image to create an enchantingly beautiful work of art. The narrative of the volumes merges in loose sequence; meandering associatively rather than chronologically, linking the author's personal memories with the fates of historical persons.



About the author

Frédéric Pajak (*1955), born in Suresnes near Paris, is a French-Swiss writer, illustrator and editor. With his works, in which both prose and drawings play an important role, he creates his own genre, which has already won several awards (including the Prix Médicis Essai 2014 and the Swiss Literature Prize 2015). At Buchet-Chastel, he directs the Cahiers des-sinés series. Pajak now lives in Paris and Geneva.




Illustrations in black and white

Translated from French by Ruth Gantert


Product details

Frédéric Pajak: Ungewisses Manifest 5
Publication Date
October 2019
Edition Clandestin
Number of Pages
7,09 x 9,25 inch
18 x 23.5 cm

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