Geoffroy de Boismenu: IMAGE SYSTEM 2
Image System is the name of a Polaroid camera used by Geoffroy de Boismenu when he lived in the States. Between 1993 and 1995, he accumulated snapshots, most of them taken in the street: graffiti, lifeless bodies and wrecked cars: his America, often close to chaos, turns out to be fascinating.
Instead of re-publishing the first sold-out Image System (RVB Books, 2011), Geoffroy de Boismenu rather went through his photographic archive to suggest a sequel similarly set in the 90s. The new selection of Polaroid images is reproduced full-page in a large unbound format. Once again, the book offers a double reading of his photographs:
1. The double pages confront two half-Polaroids, thus composing through vis-à-vis and loss of scale a brand new image – a “third photograph”.
2. With the absence of binding, readers can retrieve the original images in full and recompose their own sequencing.
Published in September 2015 by RVB Books
74 color photographs
Soft cover, 152 pages
19,3 X 31,6 cm
Product details
19.3 x 31.6 cm