Illegal - Sreet Art Graffiti 1960 - 1995

  • 45,00€


From Brassaï, who introduced graffiti to mainstream art around 1960, to Banksy's first works in the UK, Illegal tells the early story of street and graffiti art movement. The works of a hundred vandals* from over a dozen countries help us to understand why it was precisely these artists* who set the major trends in street art and graffiti before Banksy.

The book shows works from different artists including Alex Vallauri, Bando, Banksy, Barbara 62/Eva 62, Jean-Michel Basquiat & Al Diaz, Jane Bauman, Blek le Rat, Brassaï, Daniel Buren, Martha Cooper, Christo &Jeanne-Claude, George Condo, Walter Dahn, Daze, Ernest-Pignon-Ernest, Guerrilla Girls, Richard Hambleton, Keith Haring, Jenny Holzer, Marcus Krips, Jérôme Mesnager, Harald Naegeli, Jill Posener, Lee Quiñones, SAMO©, SONER, Jerzy Treliński, Crass/Gee Vaucher, David Wojnarowicz, Gerard Zlotykamien


Contributions by U. Blanché, M. Idir, J. Kimvall, S. Niemann, J. Stahl, K. Wittmann

Publisher by Hirmer Verlag in 2024

Edited by Ulrich Blanché

Text: German / English

240 pages, 212 illustrations in colour

24 x 30 cm, paperback with flaps


Product details

Illegal - Sreet Art Graffiti 1960 - 1995
English / German

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