Masahisa Fukase: Hibi

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Hibi literally comprises a series of street photographs by renowned Japanese photographer Masahisa Fukase. Each of the black and white images painstakingly attend to the road’s surface – the worn road-markings, the fading lines and arrows eroded by the city’s innumerable inhabitants, a web of fissures in the asphalt. In 1992, Fukase printed and painted the works for a solo exhibition, 'Private Scenes ‘92', held at Nikon Salon in Tokyo. He overlaid a set of bromide prints with fluid drawings in brightly coloured inks and on every image the physical presence of the artist is traced, a shadow-presence which seems to offer a reading, an interpretation but one that can never be fully resolved.


About the Photographer:

Masahisa Fukase (1934-2012) graduated from the Nihon University College of Art’s Photography Department in 1956. Fukase became a freelance photographer in 1968 after working at the Nippon Design Center and Kawade Shobo Shinsha Publishers.

His major collections include Yugi (English: Homo Ludence) (Chuokoronsha, 1971), Yoko (Asahi Sonorama, 1978), and Karasu (English: Ravens) (Sokyusha, 1986). His major group exhibitions include “New Japanese Photography” (New York MoMA, 1974), “Black Sun: The Eyes of Four” (Oxford Museum of Modern Art, 1985), “By Night” (Fondation Cartier pour l’Art Contemporain, 1996), and “OUT OF JAPAN” (Victoria and Albert Museum, 2002).


Swiss-bound hardcover

111 colour plates



Product details

Masahisa Fukase: Hibi
Publication Date
April 2016
Mack Books
Number of Pages
6,30 x 10,24 inch
16 x 26 cm

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