Pablo Allison: Detainee Handbook

  • 35,00€


During his detention in an American Immigration and Customs Enforcement center, Pablo Allison documented the lives of migrants in detention through observational sketches made by him, alongside, texts and interviews from other fellow detainees. The pages of the books are made of "Migrants request forms".

The Detainee Handbook aims to offer a small view into the lives of people locked into the detention/prison system of the United States of America.

Pablo Allison was born in Manchester, UK and grew up in Mexico City. His work mainly focus on thema such as control, reclusion, displacement, freedom, entrapment and migration among others through his practice. He has presented his work widely in countries such as Mexico, Sweden, UK, USA, France, The Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, Switzerland, Finland and Germany. His images have been published in The Huffington Post, National Geographic, Vice Magazine, El Pais, Juxtapoz, etc, and has contributed with NGOs such as Open Society Foundations, Amnesty International and ActionAid among others. He currently lives and works between Latin America and Europe.

Product details

Pablo Allison: Detainee Handbook
Publication Date
October 2022
Number of Pages
8,27 x 11,69 inch
21 x 29.7 cm

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